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【書類名】特許願【整理番号】J P0757【あて先】特許庁長官殿

【発明者】 【住所又は居所】北海道札幌市東区北16条東6丁目3-30-303 【氏名】水野 忠彦

【発明者】【住所又は居所】東京都品川区東五反田5丁目19番  【氏名】福田 晃一

【特許出願人】 【識別番号】511165625 【氏名又は名称】水野忠彦

【代理人】【識別番号】110001885 【氏名又は名称】特許業務法人IPRコンサルタント 【代表者】仲 晃一

【手数料の表示】 【振替番号】1040040 【納付金額】35680円

【提出物件の目録】 【物件名】明細書 【物件名】特許請求の範囲 【物件名】要約書 【物件名】図面
Patent Shingapole
Reactant Having Multilayer Film Struture For Generating HeatT
    From Reaction Between Hydrogen And Metal


Reactor having a multilayer film structure for generating excess heat; methods for
manufacturing the multilayer films; methods for manufacturing such reactors; and
methods for controlling heat generation between hydrogen and metal.
Technical Field.

This disclosure relates to a reactant having a multilayer film structure, a method for
producing the same, a method for producing a reaction apparatus, and a method for
controlling heat generation between hydrogen and metal. More specifically, this
disclosure relates to a reactant having a multilayer film structure used in a
“Condensed Matter Nuclear Science”reactor, a manufacturing method of reactant, a
method of manufacturing a reaction apparatus (reactor/furnace), and a heat
generation control method between hydrogen and metal ・

The discovery of “Cold Fusion” was first published in March 1989 by Professor
Martin Fleischmann at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom and
Professor Stanley Pons in the University of Utah in the United States. At that time, it
was widely thought their discovery would solve the global energy problems. Since
then various efforts to verify and replicate such a discovery were made in the past 27
years around the world, but most of them were poor in reproducibility and credible
excessive heat output data were rare if any.

The experiments reported by many researchers were poorly prepared, structured
and studied, and there were many problems in eχperimental conditions,
experimental contents, analysis methods, result analysis and the like. Since the
name of “Cold Fusion”is not suitable for the reaction mechanism, today, it is
o∥ectively referred as Less Energy Nuclear Reaction (“LENR”)or Condensed
Matter Nuclear Science (“CMNS”).

Many CMNS researchers have experimented by designing and assembling various
devices from experiences, and changing various factors. However, in many cases,
the desired phenomenon did not occur. Even if rare abnormal phenomena occurred,
reproducing such phenomena with a high degree of reproducibility has been
extremely difficult, and thus remained as the subjects of CMNS research. Obviously,
CMNS research results cannot be trusted unless these results have the accuracy
and reproducibility with the reputable third party verifications. In addition, most
reports that abnormal results were obtained have problems with equipment,
measurement methods, and analysis. It has been nearly impossible to encounter
reports of stable eχcess heat generation, large amounts of radiation, abnormal
products formation from the CMNS eχperiments in the past from the researchers and
scientists from around the world.

For nearly 30 years, various abnormal reactions have been observed when
hydrogen is allowed to react with certain metals. However, the reported results
lacked reproducibility and certainty. Therefore, the controlling factors could not be
clarified, and the eχperiment results were not considered reliable. However, in recent
years, precise and highly sensitive devices have been developed by researchers in
this field. Heat generation, radiation emission, and the generation of other products,
although rarely reported, are highly reproducible. We have been focusing 0n
reproducing the aforementioned phenomenon for many years. When this
phenomenon was first reported, the reaction was regarded as a type of nuclear
reaction and investigations tended to focus on observing neutron emission during
electrolysis in heavy water solutions. Focus later shifted to analyzing the isotopically
changed products formed during the electrolysis eχperiments. Heat generation was a
phenomenon that occurred suddenly and rarely in the process and was therefore
difficult to reproduce. However, recently reports of heat-generating reactions in the
nickel-hydrogen series have been increasing. Specifically, the occurrence of
excessive heat exceeding the input energy in a reaction mainly involving nickel with
other additive elements has been reported. The authors of these reports emphasized
the importance of an extremely clean system in the early electrolytic tests in which
excess heat was generated. Therefore, we attempted to strictly detect eχcess heat
by eliminating impurities in our test system. As a result, energy far exceeding the
input was continuously obtained. According to the test results obtained thus far, the
output thermal energy is double the input electrical energy of several hundred watts・
The generated thermal energy follows an exponential temperature function. When
the reactor temperature is 300°C, the generated energy is l kW. An increase of the
temperature is expected t0 greatly increase the output energy.

          Summary of Disclosure

This disclosure provides methods of generating eχcessive heat, which greatly
exceeds the input energy, and methods to make such reactants, which cause such
results. This disclosure also describes the methods to make reactors that utilize
these reactants effectively t0 generate excess heat continuously and grouping
arrangement for obtaining even greater excess heat effectively. For example with
this disclosure, with several hundred watts of input electric energy, the output
thermal energy reaches twice its input energy. It was found that the thermal energy
generation by this reactor follows the exponential function of temperature and
therefore this disclosure provides methods to control energy/heat generation.
Problem to be Solved.

To provide a reactant having a multilayer film structure used in a “Condensed Matter
Nuclear Science”reactor capable of generating a large amount of heat safely,
reliably, inexpensively for a long time; Methods of manufacturing such reactors, and
methods of controlling heat generation between hydrogen and metal in the reactor.


Using a reactant having a multilayer film structure used for a “Condensed Matter
Nuclear Science” reactor. Such a reactor has a thin film of various metals such as
(but not limited to) platinum, palladium, nickel, and palladium and/or platinum
eposited on a nickel and/or similar substrate. It is possible to solve the problems of
making a reactor, which is safe, inexpensive, and capable of generating a large
amount of heat and with effective heat generation control . This disclosure can help to
solve the worldwide energy problem. This disclosure should help to reduce the use
of fossil fuels for energy and thus reduce the emission of C02 to prevent the further
global warming.

 Full Pages by PDF:82P

J.Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 25 (2017) 1-25

             Research Article
Observation of Excess Heat by Activated :Metal and Deuterium Gas
            Tadahiko Mizuno
Hydrogen Engineering Aplication and Development Company,


Reports of heat-generating cold fusion reactions in the nickel-hydrogen system have been increasing. The reactions mainly involve
nickel with other additive elements. The authors of these reports emphasized the importance of an extremely clean system in the
electrolytic tests in which excess heat was generated. Therefore, we attempted to detect eχcess heat after reducing impurities to a
minimum by cleaning the electrode carefully and then fabricating nanoparticles in situ in our test system, without ever eχposing
them to air. As a result, energy far exceeding input was continuously obtained. In the best results obtained thus far, the output
thermal energy is double the input electrical energy, amounting to several hundred watts. The generated thermal energy follows
an exponential temperature function. When the reactor temperature is 3000C, the generated energy is l kW. An increase of the
temperature is eχpected to greatly increase the output energy. We have recently improved the preparation of the electrode material.
This enhanced reproducibility and increased excess heat. The new methods are described in the Appendiχ.
c 2017 ISCMNS. All rights reserved. ISSN 2227-3123

Keywords:Deuterium gas, Heat generation, Ni metal, Surface activation

            1. Introduction

We have aimed to reproduce a long-standing curious phenomenon that occurs in meta卜hydrogen systems [1-5]. At
first, the reaction was assumed to be a normal nuclear fusion reaction, so confirmation eχperiments involving neutron
detection during the electrolysis of heavy water were conducted [6]. Focus then shifted to analysis of the elements
isotopically changed during electrolysis. The generation of heat in the process, which had rarely been observed,
became a recu汀ing phenomenon [7-10]. The heat-generating reaction of a nickel-hydrogen system, in particular, has
been reported [11-13]. This system, when compared to the initial Pd-D2 system has been regarded as a null calibration
test. The generation of eχcess heat in reactions involving nickel was observed with additive elements in these reports.
However, the authors noted the importance of a very clean system in early electrolysis tests where eχcess heat was
observed. Therefore, in the present work, we eliminated impurities in an attempt to detect eχcess heat. Specifically,
we developed a very simple heat estimation analysis, based on flowing air calorimetry, to confirm eχcess heat induced
by the reaction between hydrogen and a metal. The factors considered are only the amount of air and the temperature
difference between the air flowing into and out of the calorimeter. These factors contribute the most to heat analysis
and can easily be used estimate the eχcess heat. In this paper we describe the eχcess heat in a simple metal-hydrogen
